Multi-purpose Template



Such a POWERFUL word.

Just by saying it deep-seated emotions are conjured up.

EVERYTHING comes down to what you BELIEVE!

Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right!”

What a person believes changes their path

~ the entire direction of their life!

There is an old story about a man who died in an unplugged freezer car. He believed that he would ‘freeze to death’ because he had inadvertently been locked in (even though the temperature never dropped below 50 degrees), and therefore he does!

Believing he was going to freeze to death, he wanted to let his wife and family know exactly what had happened to him.  He found a knife and began to etch words on the wooden floor. He wrote, “It’s so cold, my body is getting numb. If I could just go to sleep. These may be my last words.”

The next morning the crew slid open the heavy doors of the boxcar and found him dead. An autopsy revealed that every physical sign of his body indicated he had frozen to death. And yet the refrigeration unit of the car was inoperative, and the temperature inside indicated fifty-five degrees. Nick had killed himself by the power of worry.

Can someone really think himself to death? That is the point of this legend: the mind is a powerful thing; so powerful that it can kill. This story has often been passed along by motivational speakers as an example of the power of one’s mind.

We’ve been hearing versions of this story for years, tales in which the details change but the theme remains that of an unfortunate man who dies after he is trapped in a situation which he presumes to be dangerous but is later revealed not to have posed any real threat to his well-being: The air-tight room he’s locked in turns out to have a vent to the outside which brings a steady supply of fresh air but the man suffocates because he believes he’s used up all the oxygen; the cooling unit on the refrigerated

Amazing Things for You

Always write benefits over features. Mention all the benefits or services with some real examples. Focus on how you can help and benefit your user. Use simple words so that you don’t confuse people. Say as much in as few words as possible.

Speak directly to users using you not I or we.

Call to Action

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